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Hi Oekonuxis! 6 days ago Stefan Merten wrote:
Last week (10 days ago) Stefan Merten wrote:5 days ago Stefan Merten wrote:So if you ever thought about donating money to Oekonux or the P2P Foundation *now* would be the right time to help making the conference possible. If you never thought about such a step you may want to think again. In case you are ready to donate some amount please drop me a line or just reply to this message in public giving others an example.I'm very happy to tell you that I received the first offer over 500EUR! The potential giver wants to stay anonymous, however.Another anonymous donator offered 400EUR :-) . Thanks a lot!
Stefan Meretz is ready to donate 100EUR. Thanks a lot! Every amount is welcome!
In other words: It still makes sense to offer donations.
Still true. Grüße Stefan ________________________________ Web-Site: Organisation: Kontakt: projekt
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