[ox-de] horizontal self aggregation
- From: Stefan Meretz <stefan meretz.de>
- Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2009 08:44:29 +0200
Hi Michel,
Silke Helfrich just published a blog post about your introduction to
commons-based peer production in Crottorf, where she transcribed
and translated (into german) big parts of your presentation:
Great job!
There the question arizes to me how to translate your »horizontal self
aggregation« correctly. I feel, there are two meanings of self-aggregation:
(1) coming together on our own grounds;
(2) accumulating knowledge for ourselves.
The word »horizontal« addresses the fact, that we do this in a
horizontal manner. But which meaning do you intend to bring over by
Thanks for clarification!
P.S. I ask you via ox, because this be interesting for others too.
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