[ox-de-raw] Clerk installed
- From: Stefan Merten <smerten oekonux.de>
- Date: Sun, 23 Jul 2006 19:02:38 +0200
Hi Poxies!
This afternoon I installed the clerk, the software for collective
moderation of a mailing list. I also created two new mailing lists.
liste-raw oekonux.de
is for the unfiltered postings. Everyone interested in the unfiltered
postings can subscribe there and get them completely unintercepted.
Moderators must be subscribed there. They can reply to a mail on this
list where the reply automatically (per `Reply-To:`) goes to the
second mailing list
liste-work oekonux.de
A moderator may embed a command for the clerk in this mail. In
particular an
! approve
command approves the mail replied to. The list of moderators is not
fixed yet. I'd say people from [pox] are the natural candidates. For
the moment I set it to the mail addresses of me and StefanMz so I
were able to experiment.
In other words: The setup is done and we can switch to moderation any
Mit Freien Grüßen