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Re: [ox] F/LOSH, Open/Free Architecture for...

On Wed, 11 Dec 2002, ToPu wrote:

Ich komm nochmal auf die/mögliche `F/LOSH-Lizenz(en)'.
Ich hab mir mal die Hardware-Lizenzen vorgenommen, die bei aufgeführt sind. 
Auch wenn ich noch nicht wirklich Fragen oder Antworten daraus ableiten
kann, Was für interessierten Sachverstand gibt es unter den Listen-
LeserInnen zum Entwickeln von `F/LOSH-Lizenz(en)'?

I'm afraid the hardlicense list is almost dead - it still runs, but there
were only 4 people on it last time I looked. There was very little
interest from people actually creating designs; I think because

a) Many open-source electronic designers tend to a BSD view of things,
rather than GPL, and the license problems only appear if you try to create
a gpl-like license. In practise, those people who do prefer a gpl approach
use the gpl itself, in spite of the fact it is clearly not a good fit for
hardware designs.
b) People felt it was too early: first create the designs, then worry 
about a license.

So I lost enthusiasm too: it seemed wrong to try to create a new license
without feedback from the people with the practical expertise. One 
conclusion I did come to is that 'hardware design' may be too abstract,
and that each field has its own problems. So rather than one license that
covers everything from PCBs to chips to engines to washing machines, 
separate licenses are needed for each...


Organisation: projekt

[English translation]
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