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[ox] gplgesellschaft, 2.1 Die wichtigszen elemente der arbeitsgesellschaft

Meine gestrige email bezog sich auf den satz "... ausschliesslich durch maschinen hergestellt". Ich ergaenze und zitiere aus forschungsprogrammen der USA zur informations- und kommunikationstechnik.

Zunaechst, was das "WHITEHOUSE" finanziert:

"Intelligent Machines and Networks of Robots:
Fundamental research in robots will help revolutionize our work and our lives -- from earthmoving devices in hazardous environments to devices that fit inside blood vessels and help operating room surgeons to simple household robots. For example, NASA needs space probes that are smart, adaptable, curious, self-sufficient in unpredictable environments, and capable of operating in groups." <>

Mit den maschinellen koelner haushaltszwergen wird das "beduerfnis" der NASA schmackhaft gemacht, horden von robotern beispielsweise zur raketenabwehr oder intelligente clusterbomben zu entwickeln ("capable of operating in groups").

Rund 2,27 Milliarden $ wird die US-regierung fuer die entwicklung der "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY FOR THE 21ST CENTURY" ausgeben, worunter auch die roboter.


"In general, robotic systems are of interest to the Department of Defense because they offer the ability to perform military actions at greater stand-off distances, allow dangerous missions to be performed with minimal risk to people, can be forward deployed, and permit certain missions to be performed that would otherwise be impossible. In addition, numerous robots collaborating in parallel can perform certain tasks in much less time and at lower cost than single, more complex robots. Micro and miniature robots are the primary thrust of this solicitation because (1) the confluence of various technologies such as microelectronics, micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS), smart materials, advanced packaging, energy storage, biologically inspired systems, etc. enable micro and miniature robots to be fabricated at relatively low unit cost, and (2) micro and miniature robots offer a range of unique mission advantages. Because of their small size and potentially low cost, micro and miniature robots can be carried and deployed by individuals and small teams to augment human capability, perform hazardous missions, or perform missions presently unimaginable. Potential applications for such robots or systems of robots include surveillance, reconnaissance, pathfinding, deception, weapon delivery, transporting artifacts, and small scale actuation. Applications might include minefield detection wherein small sensors are mounted on hopping robots or robots with multi-task capabilities, intelligence gathering in city pipelines, robots used in large numbers for decoy applications, or extremely small robots that might be injected and pick a door lock." <>

No comment!

Nun ein 3. hinweis auf die USA, naemlich auf "INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH" der "National Science Foundation NSF":


Proposals to this ITR area should develop new knowledge about the interaction among people, groups, computing applications, communications networks, and information infrastructures across distances and in various social, cultural, legal, economic, educational and ethical contexts. New theories, models, concepts, and design principles that incorporate an understanding of social and technical systems are encouraged as well as empirical studies that map the landscape of social change and transformation and that point the way to improvement of educational methods and technology using IT. Proposals should address basic research, applications and infrastructure topics that increase the value of IT to all sectors of society and the ability of individuals and social groups to participate in and contribute to advances in IT.

Areas of emphasis within this technical area include: Social and Economic Implications of Information Technology - research that develops new knowledge about how digital economies and societies are organized and have consequences, and how privacy, intellectual property, value systems, and forms of social control are effectively integrated into social and economic contexts and influence the design, deployment, use and consequences of IT; Universal Access- research that extends human capabilities for those with limitations of vision, hearing, or motor skills, and also offers promise for helping all users; Universal Participation - research that develops new knowledge about the motivations and barriers to the use of IT, particularly as they are linked to social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disabilities, occupation, and regional and international variations; Community-Expanding Infrastructure - extending access to IT to those areas and societal groups now facing difficulties in accessing IT services and resources; Information Technology in the Social and Behavioral Sciences - research that provides demonstration tests of new Internet-based research techniques, such as online interviews, online surveys, and online laboratory experiments; IT Workforce - research focused on issues related to attracting and sustaining a strong IT workforce; and IT and Education - research focused on creating new knowledge relevant to education in IT or the use of IT in improving learning and education." <>

Mein kommentar hierzu: Ich halte solche themen fuer ueberaus wichtig. Andererseits erahnen meines erachtens diejenigen, die diese entwicklungen vorantreiben, ueberhaupt noch nicht, was sie da tun. Besonders der teil "Universal Participation - research that develops new knowledge about the motivations and barriers to the use of IT, particularly as they are linked to social class, gender, ethnicity, age, disabilities, occupation, and regional and international variations" steht im schaerfsten widerspruch zu kapitalistischen produktionsverhaeltnissen. Wem ist am lohnarbeitsplatz die "Universal Participation" erlaubt???!!! Aber wenn die technik und die faehigkeiten entwickelt werden, wird - so denke ich - diese entwicklung ueber die bestehenden verhaeltnisse hinaustreiben (dabei duerfen oekologie, nord-sued-problem und frieden nicht vergessen werden!)
In militaerischer sprache: Let's "perform missions presently unimaginable".

        Wolf Goehring              e-mail:   wolf.goehring
     Schloss Birlinghoven           phone :  [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED](2241)14-2062
D-53754 St. Augustin , Germany      fax   :  [PHONE NUMBER REMOVED](2241)14-2342


[English translation]
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