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Re: [ox] politische Forderungskataloge versus Arbeitsprogramme

Hi Franz und Stefan,

ich verstehe die verschiedenen Listen von zentralen Dingen, die Frei
sein sollen (also im Kern "freizügig zugänglich", "free access",
"open access" - um die Begriffs-Semantik von Frei genauer zu
spezifizieren, die nach meinem Verständnis von den jeweiligen
Autoren adressiert wird), als eine deutliche Refokussierung
gegenüber Stallmans "free as free speech". Während für Stallman
(immerhin vor fast 30 Jahren) die "Freie Rede" als solche noch ein
Knackpunkt war, geht es heute zentral um die *Bedingungen für Freie
Rede* in verschiedener Konkretheit. Ein Beleg für die "Gesellschaft
strukturierende Macht des Wissens" (siehe mein Mawi-Paper), die in
den 30 Jahren offensichtlich deutlich an Kraft gewonnen hat.

Und da mag Moglens Liste abstrakter als andere klingen, aber er legt
auch den Finger deutlicher in die Wunde:

To the owners of culture, we say: You are horrified at our intending
to do away with private property in ideas.  But in your existing
society, private property is already done away with for nine-tenths
of the population.  What they create is immediately appropriated by
their employers, who claim the fruit of their intellect through the
law of patent, copyright, trade secret and other forms of
"intellectual property". Their birthright in the electromagnetic
spectrum, which can allow all people to communicate with and learn
from one another, freely, at almost inexhaustible capacity for
nominal cost, has been taken from them by the bourgeoisie, and is
returned to them as articles of consumption -- broadcast culture,
and telecommunications services -- for which they pay dearly.  Their
creativity finds no outlet: their music, their art, their
storytelling is drowned out by the commodities of capitalist
culture, amplified by all the power of the oligopoly of
"broadcasting", before which they are supposed to remain passive,
consuming rather than creating.  In short, the property you lament
is the proceeds of theft: its existence for the few is solely due to
its non-existence in the hands of everyone else.  You reproach us,
therefore, with intending to do away with a form of property, the
necessary condition for whose existence is the non-existence of any
such property for the immense majority of society.

Und seiner Liste ist unmittelbar vorangestellt:

When people speak of ideas that revolutionise society, they do but
express the fact, that within the old society, the elements of a new
one have been created, and that the dissolution of the old ideas
keeps even pace with the dissolution of the old conditions of

We, the creators of the free information society, mean to wrest from
the bourgeoisie, by degrees, the shared patrimony of humankind.  We
intend the resumption of the cultural inheritance stolen from us
under the guise of "intellectual property", as well as the medium of
electromagnetic transportation.  We are committed to the struggle
for free speech, free knowledge, and free technology.  The measures
by which we advance that struggle will of course be different in
different countries, but the following will be pretty generally

Viele Grüße, Hans-Gert


  Prof. Dr. Hans-Gert Graebe, Inst. Informatik, Univ. Leipzig
  Augustusplatz, D-04109 Leipzig, Raum 5-53	
  email: graebe
  Home Page:

Kontakt: projekt

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